Early Adopter Release Notes: August 23, 2022



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We're heading into the fall season and with the cooler temperatures brings another FieldEdge update. This time around we're bringing you small but impactful changes. Markup codes are getting a redesign that is sure to make things easier when pricing your items. You'll also see some new mobile support changes that will help your technicians receive a faster resolution if they run into any issues. We hope you love the updates and can't wait to hear your feedback.

Office Updates

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With this update, the office will see some slight changes to markup codes and the mobile authorization screen. These updates should not impact workflow and will help with the quality of life for you and your mobile technicians.

Markup Code Redesign

Users will see a new design in the markup codes list view. This change is to update the list to our current styling. Along with the style changes, users will also find new applied functionality. If you "Apply Changes To Items Once Saved" all items that are related to the selected markup code will be updated. This should allow users to update their entire price book with two clicks.


New Originating Quote# Layout Element

We've heard from your feedback that customers need a way to link an originating quote when reviewing their invoice. With this feedback in mind, we've added a new layout template element called "Originating Quote #." You can add this element to your layout templates, allowing your customers to see their original quote number when reviewing their invoices.


Added Work Order Description Timestamp Information to the Side Panel

Through feedback, we have been informed that members were really missing the timestamp information that was provided for the work order description. With this release, we've added the timestamp information for the work order description to the side panel.

Updated Do Not Service Customers Styling

When searching for customers it was not as easy as we would have liked to identify customers that have been marked as 'Do Not Service.' With this release customers that have been marked as Do Not Service will display in red when viewing them in the customer list.


Mobile Updates

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In this release, mobile users will get to see some new changes to the mobile support section, along with how parent contact information is being displayed.

  • All mobile updates are expected to be released the week of August 22nd. You'll need to uninstall your current application and download the newest version from the app store to ensure you receive these improvements.

Chat Directly with  our FieldEdge Support Team

In this update, we're making it easier for mobile technicians to get in contact with our support team. Users can now go to the support page in the FieldEdge Mobile App and select the new Chat with Us option. This will allow the user to directly chat without FieldEdge Support Agents. Helping them receive faster resolutions while also taking the office middleman out of the situation.

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Parent Contact Information Display Updates

We've heard that when viewing customers from the FieldEdge Mobile App, it's sometimes difficult to find the parent's contact information when servicing a sub-customer. With this update, rather than leaving the work order to find the needed customer info, the parent contact information is directly linked to the sub-customers information. This should speed up time for your technicians by removing lengthy and unnecessary steps. 

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Additional Updates

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  • Removed the work order description information from the timeline notes. This field has been separated into its own section on both mobile and in the office.
  • Added sales person to the item sales reports.
  • Added the work order summary to the timeline entries by employee report.
  • Added comments and additional info to the equipment list.
  • FieldEdge will now set the payment date when the payment has been authorized.
  • Inactive records will now show in gray font.
  • Redesigned skills, customer type, and equipment type settings screen to be in line with current style optimizations.
  • Updated mobile styling to match with the current style guide. This will be a continuous update that will become more consistent from page to page as we continue with future updates.
  • Renamed agreements to agreement discounts in the inventory and non-inventory items screens. This will help keep consistency in naming conventions of settings across FieldEdge.
  • We've updated Bill from Office styling to match current style guides and to help users easily see that a customer is marked as Bill from Office.
  • Updated the way attachments sync from helpers. All helper assignment attachments will sync to the primary task and now be visible from the office.
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