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With the exciting introduction of ProposalPro, you'll be able to gain quoting technology that allows you to create good, better, best, and budget options for your customers. Before you can get started offering proposals, you'll need to make sure you've set up and verified the ProposalPro integration with your FieldEdge database. Follow these 2 simple steps below, to make sure you have everything set up and working properly.
- Note: Before you begin the steps in this article, you'll need to make sure you've spoken with our FieldEdge team and they've activated and verified the ProposalPro Integration.
If your integration is already active and you'd like to learn how to use ProposalPro, click on the appropriate link below to get started. These Help Center articles will walk you through creating a quote in FieldEdge when using ProposalPro.
Step 1: Matching Sales Reps
Before you jump into FieldEdge, you'll need to make sure a few settings are ready to go on the BizPro website. Follow the steps below to verify the BizPro settings. First, you'll need to make sure that all of your sales reps are added to BizPro and match exactly with FieldEdge. This is an important step for BizPro and FieldEdge to sync properly. Use the steps below to add a sales rep to BizPro.
1. First, log into BizPro with your username and password.
- Note: Mingledorffs customers will see BizPro labeled as Propose and Close.
2. Next, using your mouse cursor, hover over the More option.
3. Now, select the Add Sales Reps option.
4. Enter the information for your Sales Rep, making sure at a minimum to include the username and email exactly as it appears in FieldEdge.
- Note: If the Sales Rep already exists, you can edit the information to match FieldEdge by hovering your mouse cursor over More, clicking the Sales Rep option, selecting the Edit icon for that Sales Rep, and then entering the correct information for that Sales Rep.
5. Finally, click Save.
6. Repeat these steps for any additional Sales Reps you need to add to BizPro.
Step 2: Adding Employee Permissions
Now that you have your Sales Reps matched, you're ready to enter the FieldEdge settings for ProposalPro. By default, any Admin in FieldEdge will have permission to use ProposalPro on Calls and Work Orders. Any non-admins will need to have the permission added to their employee profile. Follow the steps below to add the required employee permission.
- Note: This permission is only visible and required to be checked for non-Admin users. Admin users will not see this toggle but it will automatically be enabled.
1. First, log into FieldEdge and click Settings, then choose Employees from the list.
- Note: Only a FieldEdge user with Admin or Manager permissions can access these settings.
2. Next, select the desired employee.
3. Scroll down to the Accessibility section and click the User tab.
4. In the Workflow Process section, check the box for Enable ProposalPro.
5. Finally, click Update.
6. Repeat the above steps for any additional employees that require the ProposalPro employee permission.
Once an employee has the ProposalPro permission enabled, they'll be able to see the ProposalPro option on Calls and Work Orders. It's recommended that you create a test proposal and verify that the sync is working properly. If you run into any issues, verify that you've followed all steps in this article. If you are still having issues, give us a call and speak with one of our FieldEdge Support Technicians.
If you have completed all of the above steps and you're ready to learn how to use ProposalPro, click on the appropriate link below to get started. These Help Center articles will walk you through creating a quote in FieldEdge when using ProposalPro.
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