Using the ProposalPro Integration with Sales Tax


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FieldEdge is excited to bring you a new integration that we’re calling ProposalPro. With ProposalPro you’ll gain quoting technology that allows you to create good, better, best and budget options for your customers. This article will provide a video walkthrough, along with instructions on how to use the ProposalPro integration when using sales tax.


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Use the following steps to create and sync a quote, using ProposalPro when charging sales tax.

Option 1

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This first option for creating a quote with ProposalPro when charging sales tax should be the default way of creating a proposal. If your company has additional needs when charging sales tax, review option 2 and speak with a FieldEdge Support Technician for any assistance.

1. First, head to the Dispatch Board or Customer screen and begin creating a Work Order for a customer.

2. On the Work Order creation screen, check the box labeled Enable ProposalPro and select an applicable Sales Rep.

3. Fill out any additional information for this work order and click Save.

4. Once saved, head to the Quote micro-dashboard on the work order.

5. From here click the Create with ProposalPro link to be navigated to the ProposalPro login screen.

6. Once logged in, select the applicable template from your list of created templates.

7. From the template, verify the items that will make up each option of the proposal. Make any adjustments if needed and click Save/Email/Print.

  • Note: Users must email any proposals from the ProposalPro website. This will sync with FieldEdge and mark that the quote has been emailed.

8. Once the customer has decided on an option, they can accept the proposal from the online portal or you can manually accept the proposal from the ProposalPro website.

9. Now that an option has been accepted, you'll see it has been accepted on the FieldEdge quote as well. Now you can convert the quote into a job or schedule the quote to be finished like you would with any other quote in FieldEdge.

  • Note: Any changes before scheduling the accepted quote must be done from the ProposalPro website.

10. Once the quote has been scheduled into a new work order, head to the Invoice micro-dashboard of that work order.

11. From here you can see the accepted option has synced to the invoice. You'll need to click the Show Assembly Sub-Items link. This will display all the items that make up the accepted option.

12. On each of the applicable sub-items change the Tax drop-down from Non to Tax

  • Note: Only change the item Tax for the items you charge sales tax. For example, if you do not charge tax on labor, leave that item tax set to Non.

13. Verify the customer's Tax Group is set properly and click Save.

At this point, FieldEdge will apply the customer's Tax Group to the applicable items and its total will be reflected in the Tax field at the bottom of the quote. Repeat these steps for any additional proposals you may need to create.

Option 2

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For this option, some users may want or need to make an adjustment directly in their accounting system to reallocate a sales tax amount and identify it for paying the appropriate tax authority. Follow the steps below after a proposal has already been created, accepted, and converted into an invoice. 

1. Use a customized invoice list to obtain the total revenue for each tax group. Save the list as a new customized view to easily access it each month. Use the suggested columns and filters listed below.

  • Columns
    • Tax Group-We suggest soring the Group by Column and sorting by Ascending.
    • Class-This is optional but if your company uses Classes we recommend sorting by Ascending.
    • Customer Full Name
    • Invoice #
    • Date
    • Revenue-We recommend setting the View to Column Summary.
    • Tax-We recommend setting the View to Column Summary.
    • Total-We recommend setting the View to Column Summary.
  • Filters
    • Date-Set this to Last Month.
      • Adjust the Date as needed.
    • Posted-Set this to Yes.
      • This is to ensure that only invoices that are already in your accounting system are listed.
    • Tax-Set the From as 0.00 and the To as 0.00.
      • This is to make sure we list only invoices without sales tax.
    • Tax Group-This is optional. This will allow you to separate tax groups if you have a specific tax group you'd like to identify.
    • Tags- This is an optional field that will allow you to further filter a report if you have tags created to identify quotes created through ProposalPro.
    • Class-This is an optional filter. Add this filter if your company is using class tracking and you need to identify sales tax for each class.
      • You can use this filter to generate a list for each class or you can group by class instead of by tax group.

2. Note the Total for each Tax Group, along with the Grand Totals.


3. Use the steps below to calculate the Tax Amount.

Depending on the situation, this is calculated from the Total column for either the Grand Totals or the Total by Tax Groups from your customized invoice list generated through the previous steps.

    • Optional-If you require detail by Class or Customer:Job, the invoice list can also be exported and calculated utilizing Excel.
  • How to calculate the Tax Amount
    • 1+Tax Rate
      • Divide the Sales Tax Percentage by 100.
        • You can also move the decimal point to places.
        • Add 1 to the Tax Rate. For example, if the Tax Rate is 6.5% the result is 1.065.
    • Calculate before the Tax Amount.
      • Take the Total and divide by 1+Tax Rate.
        • For example, if the Total is 50,000.00 divided by 1.065=Before Tax Amount of 46,848.36.
    • Subtract the before Tax Amount from the Total.
      • The Total before Tax Amount equals the Tax.
        • For example, 50,000.00-46,948=3,051.64 Tax.

4. Next, create a Journal Entry in your accounting system. Select between your platform below and follow the instructions.

  • QuickBooks Desktop
    • Click Company and choose Make General Journal Entries.
  • QuickBooks Online
    • Click New and select Journal Entry.

5. Fill out the required fields for this Journal Entry.

  • Revenue Account (Debit)
    • Use the Revenue Account set for the non-inventory items created for ProposalPro.
    • This will deduct the Sales Tax from Revenue and report on your Financial Statements.
  • Sales Tax Payable (Credit)
    • If using QuickBooks Desktop-Select the system account so it will be reported on the Sales Tax Liability report.
    • If using QuickBooks Online-Select the account for the Tax Authority.
  • Tax Authority (Name)
    • If using QuickBooks Desktop-On the Credit line, select the Vendor that you pay taxes.
    • If using QuickBooks Online-You may leave this field blank.
  • Date
    • Typically you will set this to the last day of the month that is being adjusted.
  • Entry No
    • You can set this to your own preference.

6. There are some optional variations. Please read the variations below and make any adjustments as needed.

  • If you only have one Tax Authority, you can simply use the Grand Totals from the FieldEdge custom list to calculate the Tax Amount and enter the result for the Debit and Credit amounts in the Journal Entry.
  • If you have varying Tax Authorities, you can calculate the Tax Amount per Tax Group. Enter a Credit line with the calculated Tax Amount for each Tax Group, along with the appropriate Tax Authority Vendor.
  • If you have Tax Items with different rates and different Tax Authorities within the same Tax Group, additional tax calculations would need to be done and a Credit line would need to be added for each Tax Authority.
  • If you're using Class tracking, create a Debit line for each Class. Fill in the Class field and enter the calculated Tax Amount for each Class.
  • If you need accurate revenue by Customer:Job, for a Profit & Loss by Job, or other Job Reports, add a Credit line for each Job and include the Customer:Job in the Name field. Non-job invoices can be included in one Credit line with the Name field left blank.

7. Use the information below to see how this will impact the Sales Tax Liability report.

  • QuickBooks Desktop
    • The Journal Entry will be included in financial statements.
    • The Journal Entry will be included in financial statements.
      • There will be a separate line listed under the Tax Authority, appended with "-Other" and including the amount in the Sales Tax Payable column.
        • Note: The Sales columns of this report have not been adjusted.
  • QuickBooks Online
    • The Journal Entry will be included in financial statements.
    • The Journal Entry may not be reflected on the Sales Tax Liability report.

Disclaimer: Taxing situations and company needs can vary greatly. Seek professional accounting advice and consult with local tax authorities as needed. Also, reach out to a FieldEdge Support Technician and we can help guide you on the next steps.

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