Settings: Accounting System Integration


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These settings will display your current connection to a QuickBooks company. Use these settings to verify Fieldedge is connected to QuickBooks, to disconnect and reconnect your QuickBooks Online connection, or to pause your connection if using QuickBooks Desktop.


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1. First, in the top right of FieldEdge, click the Settings icon, and then in the Company settings choose Accounting System Integration.

2. Next, verify your connection to QuickBooks, or Pause/Retry the connection if using QuickBooks Desktop. If you're using QuickBooks Online use Disconnect/Reconnect. This will require the QuickBooks Online primary admin login for your company.

3. When finished you can freely leave the screen by navigating to a different area of FieldEdge.


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If you are using QuickBooks Online only Version and Company Name will display as fields.

  • Version
    Displays if the connected QuickBooks is the desktop or online version of QuickBooks.
  • Server Name
    When using QuickBooks desktop, this field lists the name of the computer that has the associated FieldEdge QuickBooks Connector.
  • Company Name
    Lists the name of the QuickBooks Company that is currently connected to this FieldEdge database.
  • Connector
    Displays the associated QuickBooks FieldEdge Connector id.
  • Pause/Retry Connection
    Select to Pause or Retry the connection to QuickBooks when using the desktop version.
    • Note: You may need to switch QuickBooks into Single User Mode. Pausing the connection will allow FieldEdge to log out of QuickBooks so you can switch to Single User Mode.
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