Settings: Global Settings



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Global Settings is where you will configure various options that tune FieldEdge for your specific company. These settings can be changed at any time, but it is important to understand how they are used and how to set them up correctly.

Ranging from topics such as  your companies information, specific integrations, accounting and expenses, mobile settings or layout templates.


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The following steps will help guide you to your Global Settings, where you will then be able to modify your settings. Check the Fields section below if you are looking for details related to a feature or option about Global Settings.

1. First, in the top right of FieldEdge, click Settings and then in the Company section choose Global Settings.

2. From the Global Settings screen, navigate through the different fields modifying your settings.

  • Important: Changes to Global Settings impact your entire FieldEdge system. If you are unsure of a particular setting's purpose, check the Fields information below to learn about the different options in FieldEdge.

4. When you have finished modifying your settings, click Save.


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The company section will store your default company logo, display name, address, contact information, and Pay Period start dates. Most of this information is straight forward, but it’s important to know that the information shown here, is what will show to your customers on your Invoice/Quote forms.

  • Note: You can edit layout forms to show different information. This is useful for companies that run multiple trades.


Accounting Settings

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These required settings impact how FieldEdge interacts with QuickBooks and your Chart of Accounts. It is important to stress that when you are unsure what to provide, do not willing enter incorrect information. Instead, you should refer to your accountant or CPA if you are not sure what information to provide.

  • Note: Chart of Accounts that will be listed in FieldEdge are pulled directly from QuickBooks. If you need to edit or add any Chart of Accounts, do so in QuickBooks and FieldEdge will inherit those changes.


Costs, Income, and Inventory
In these fields, provide the General Ledger (GL) accounts that should be used when selling or receiving items. These GL accounts will keep track of your invoice costing, income, and inventory assets. When creating items in FieldEdge, the Costs, Income, and Inventory accounts will be the default account. However, you will be able to manually select an alternative account on your items. For example, you may want to choose a labor income account instead of a material income account.

  • Note: If you wish to departmentalize your item's income or cost, we recommend using Class reporting. Do not create separate General Ledger accounts.

In this field, choose the default Tax Group from QuickBooks that should appear when creating a customer. This is for convenience and therefore should be your most commonly used Tax Group. You will have the option of changing the the Tax Group by location if needed on an invoice.

  • Note: Tax Groups are created in QuickBooks and will display in FieldEdge. Create and edit your Tax Groups in QuickBooks.

Default Hourly Labor Cost
This field will help in tracking profitability in FieldEdge. For example, when using employee time entries to calculate labor costs, you can input a default hourly labor rate to be used. However you will have the option to set each employee with their own unique hourly labor rate. If an employee is assigned a specific hourly labor rate then they will use this rate instead of the default. If no labor rate is provided to an employee, it will use the default as listed in the Global Settings.

  • Note: This is only to track profitability in FieldEdge and has no impact on QuickBooks or employee pay.

Deposit Percent
This is the default percentage that will be collected when accepting a Quote. You will be able to collect more than the default but the Deposit Percent represents the minimum required amount.

When completing a Part Request, Expense, or tracking your Expense Payment Account, this field determines the default General Ledger account in QuickBooks. If you are unsure what account to provide, you should have your FieldEdge Onboarder get in contact with your accountant or CPA.

This field will determine the default payment Terms to use when creating a new location. Alternatively, you may manually select Terms when adding a new location, rather than use default.

  • Note: You will also be able to change the Terms on an invoice.

If a check is placed in the Create QuickBooks Purchase Orders from Part Request then FieldEdge will send Part Requests or Bills to QuickBooks.

  • Note: You will have the option of choosing if Part Requests should be a Bill or a Purchase Order by changing the Part Requests Global Setting in a later field.

Place a check in the Require Expense Receipt if you want to require a picture of a receipt when entering an expense.

In the Calculate Default Work Order Profitability Labor Cost Based on section, select Item Cost Only or Time Entries. This will determine how labor will be calculated in FieldEdge's Profitability Reporting.

  • Important: The following options impact profitability tracking in FieldEdge and do not impact labor costing in QuickBooks.

Choose Item Cost Only if you want to track employee labor when a Job was completed. These costs will be calculated by adding a Labor Item to your Work Order Invoices. Alternatively, selecting Time Entries, allows you to track employee labor based on the total hours on a Work Order multiplied by the employee's hourly labor rate.

When using Time Entries, you may select the checkbox for Time Entries & Travel Time (Working Time & Travel Time) if you wish to add a technician's traveling time into this calculation.

Time Entries Settings

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This section will determine how FieldEdge will idle entries along with how your database will interact when using the FleetSharp integration and the geofence options.

Pay Week Begins

Use this section to select which day your pay week will begin.

Combine Idle Entries

In this section, you can apply the default threshold (in minutes) that a work order idle time entry must achieve before it will not be combined with other idle entries. This will allow you to view fewer individual idle entries for your employee's time entries.

Round Time Entries

You can use this section to round time entries to the nearest minute. This can help keep time entries concise and easy to manage.


If you are using the FleetSharp integration, you'll be given two options for automatic time entry updates, when using geofence options.

  • Update working time when entering geofence: If this box is checked, FieldEdge will automatically calculate the working time of the employee time entry as soon as his gps/vehicle enters the geofence area.
  • Update completed time when leaving geofence: If this box is checked, FieldEdge will automatically calculate the completed time of the employee time entry as soon as his gps/vehicle leaves the geofence area.

Expenses and Part Requests

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The following section determines how FieldEdge will utilize Part Requests and Expenses and how they transfer to QuickBooks.


First, select an option for Post Expenses to QuickBooks upon Work Orders being marked. This determines when FieldEdge will send an Expense over to QuickBooks.

  • Finalized: This options sends Expenses to QuickBooks when two conditions have been met. The first condition is if all the assignments associated to a Work Order have been set to the Status of Completed. The second condition is that the Work Order has been sent to QuickBooks.
  • Completed: This sends an Expense to QuickBooks as soon as when the Work Order has been set to a Status of Completed in FieldEdge.

Next, if you wish to track profitability, place a check in the Add Expense to Invoice by Default. This is accomplished by adding a Non-Inventory Expense Item to your Work Orders, which you are required to choose using the Expense Non-Inventory Item drop-down field.

Part Requests
The first section, Post Part Requests to QuickBooks will have you choose if a Part Request should go to QuickBooks as Purchase Order or as a Vendor Bill. If you were using Purchase Orders prior to FieldEdge, you will still be able to continue do so with FieldEdge.

  • You may use Post Purchase Orders when you are receiving inventory items.
  • You may use Post as Bills when you are not tracking inventory items in QuickBooks.

Other Settings, Counters

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These settings will determine your starting form counters along with how your customers will display when creating them.


Customer Display Name Format
Choose to display customers as First name Last name or Last name, First name. To keep consistency between programs, we recommend using the same format as in QuickBooks.

When saving a customer in FieldEdge, the Display Name will be how the customer is displayed in both FieldEdge and QuickBooks.

Choose a starting number for each form. You may want to start with higher numbers than what you have in QuickBooks. While you will not be able to adjust a specific Work Order number, you will be able to adjust a counter at any time.

  • Note: FieldEdge will input an alphanumeric character before each number. Example invoice 300 will be I300, quote 300 will be Q300. This is to make sure FieldEdge does not use duplicate numbers from QuickBooks and to be an at a glance view that this form came from FieldEdge.

Mobile Settings

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This section will control the default actions for some of FieldEdge's mobile application.


The following settings can help tailor a technician's mobile application experience when emailing or printing Invoices in the field.

  • Set Email Checkbox on Mobile, if selected, FieldEdge will automatically email an Invoice upon completion. This would also mean that if a technician did not want to send an Invoice electronically, they would have to deselect the customer's default email address.
  • Enable Print Checkbox on Mobile, if selected, then upon completion of a Work Order the technician will be able to view the Invoice as a PDF and print from a mobile printer.
  • Enable Feedback Request Checkbox on Mobile, if selected, will provide the ability for a mobile technician to capture survey or NPS requests.

Check this box when you want to enable your technicians the ability to change a customer's Tax Code, on an Invoice, from the mobile application.

Push Notifications
Select the time window that mobile Push Notifications are allowed to go out to technicians for their scheduled Work Orders.

  • Send Push Notifications for Assignments Occurring within _ hours, means that a technician will not receive a notification on their phone until the designated time. For example, you could configure this to send a notification to your technician that they were assigned a new Work Order but the notification would not be received until "2 hours" before the scheduled appointment time.
  • Expire Invoice and Quote Web Links after _ days, will make a web link no longer accessible by a customer after the number of days you designate in this field.
  • Always Send Work Order Reminders to Technicians for Upcoming Weekend Assignments should be enabled when your company performs service calls on weekends.

Layout Template Settings

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In this section you will want to select Advanced Templates for Invoice, Quote, and Work Order Forms, as well as for your Custom Forms.

Standard Form is a legacy feature and therefore not recommended.


GPS and Integrations

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In this section you can enter API Keys and Security Tokens to enable GPS and other integrated partners with FieldEdge.

  • Note: These must be added after your live FieldEdge database is created.


SMS Number

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This section will allow you to choose an SMS number that will be used when using the Chat feature with your technicians.


SMS Number
First enter your local Area Code, or select the 800 Number checkbox, next click Get List. You will then choose a number from the list of results. The number you choose will be the number that technicians will receive a text message from when using the Chat feature. Similarly, if a technician sends a text message to the SMS Number you selected, a Chat message will appear in FieldEdge web.

  • Note: Before you can use the Chat feature, mentioned in the SMS Number section, you must ensure these settings, as well as additional Employee SMS settings have been configured.
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