Employee Role Permissions


Profile Permissions

Profile permissions will be tied to the user's role. Office users log in through FieldEdge and will be set up with one of the following profiles: Admin, Manager, Dispatcher, and CSR.

Mobile users log in through the FieldEdge application and are designated as a Technician profile.

  • Note: Office users may also have mobile access. This is a separate license from the standard office license.


Per-User Permissions

The following permissions are assigned to each user and are not standardized by their role. For example, one dispatcher may be able to view profitability, while another dispatcher may not have that ability. Click a module below to see the permissions associated with a user.


These permissions are found on the selected Employee screen.

Show on Leaderboard: Check this box to show this employee on the sales, work, or call leaderboard on the Dashboard screen.

Show on Chat: Check this box to show this employee on FieldEdge's internal chat messenger. This allows the office to send messages to this employee directly through FieldEdge.

Assign to Dispatch Group: Assign this user to a specific Dispatch Group. This group may be used to filter the employees shown on the Dispatch Board. For example, you may select an employee to be under the service Dispatch Group and another under the install Dispatch Group.

Default Dispatch Board: Select which dispatch group will display by default when this employee is viewing the Dispatch Board.

  • Note: This employee may still select and view the other dispatch groups. 

Time Entries

These permissions are found under the User tab of the Employee section.

Default Pay Item: Select the default pay item that will be associated with this employee's time entries. This is used when sending time entries to QuickBooks for payroll processing.

  • Note: Pay items must be created in QuickBooks to be viewable in FieldEdge.

Default Class: Choose the class associated with this employee's time entries. This will be used to departmentalize time entries.

  • Note: Classes must be created in QuickBooks to be viewable in FieldEdge.

Employee Hourly Labor Cost: Enter this employee's estimated hourly labor cost. This will be used to track labor costs on work orders and jobs. If no labor cost is entered FieldEdge will use the default labor cost, found in global settings.


These permissions are found under the User tab of the Employee section.

These permissions are found under the User tab of the Employee section. Permissions will become available or unavailable depending on the users Full or Basic Mobile Access. See the permissions below for each access group.

  • Note: Full Mobile Access requires a mobile license. Basic Mobile Access does not require a license and is intended for technicians that just need to view their assigned work orders. For example, an installer or helper technician that will just be viewing their work order while tracking their time on that work order.

Full Mobile Access

Mobile Supervisor Access: Allows this employee to see the Dispatch Board from the mobile application, along with creating work orders, assigning or re-assigning work orders, and creating customers.

Enable PriceBook Outside of Work Orders: Allows this user to view your items without needing to be in a work order. Typically used for technicians that need to give a quick price without being in a work order.

Enable Changing Item Tax Code: Checking this box allows the user to change the tax code on an invoice. For example, the user may change an invoice from taxable to exempt.

Enable Work Order Creation: Choose to allow this user Full Access, View Only, or No Access to creating Work Orders from the mobile application. View Only access will allow your technicians the ability to look up your customer list, but they will not be able to create a Work Order. 

  • Note: Giving an employee Full Access to create work orders will only allow them to assign the work orders to themselves, or to create the work order and allow the office to assign it to a different technician. This is intended for on-call technicians that need to create work orders after hours.

Quote Profitability Access: Choose if this web employee should have Full, Summary or No Access to view Quote Profitability. Choosing Full Access will allow the user to see a detail of cost, income, and margin of each item, labor, and other costs on a Quote. Summary will only display the total margin dollar and percentage amounts, with no access to view a detailed breakdown.

Item Warehouse Changes: If utilizing advanced inventory, choose if items should be relinquished from the default warehouse, the assigned employee or company warehouse or if the employee may choose to remove the item from any warehouse.

  • Note: You must have advanced inventory enabled in QuickBooks and FieldEdge for this option to be viewable.

Review Work Order on Completion: If this box is checked, when a mobile employee changes a work order status to complete, it will display in the office as completed, but will not be finalized in QuickBooks. This allows your mobile work orders to stay in review status, waiting for someone in the office to review and finalize them to QuickBooks. If unchecked, the mobile work order will automatically finalize and post to QuickBooks when completed from the mobile application. Note: It is recommended to check this box and review all work orders before posting them to QuickBooks.

Display Customer Contact Information: Checking this box will allow your mobile employee the ability to see a customer's contact information from the mobile application.

Enable Work Order Creation: Check this box to allow a mobile employee Full, View Only or No Access to creating work orders from the mobile application. View Only access will allow your technicians the ability to look up your customer list, but they will not able able to create a work order.

  • Note: Giving a mobile employee full access to create work orders will only allow them to assign the work order to themselves, or to create the work order and allow someone in the office to assign it to a different technician. This is useful if you have an on-call technician that needs to create work orders after hours.

Number of Work Orders on Mobile: Set a number of work orders that this mobile employee may see in their work order list. For example, if you assign this number to 3, then this employee will only see 3 work orders that have been assigned to them, starting with the oldest, to newest work order. If that employee has more than 3 work orders assigned they will only see the oldest 3, and will not see any new ones until they've completed one of their 3 work orders.

Price Edit on Mobile: Select if this mobile employee may edit the price of all non flat rate items, or specified non flat rate items.

  • Note: From the web, you have the ability to specify which items may be discounted or edited. These items will be the ones that fall under the Selected Only permission.

Invoice Profitability Access: Choose if this web employee should have Full, Summary or No Access to view Invoice Profitability. Choosing Full Access will allow the user to see a detail of cost, income, and margin of each item, labor, and other costs on an Invoice. Summary will only display the total margin dollar and percentage amounts, with no access to view a detailed breakdown.

Basic Mobile Access

Review Work Order on Completion: If this box is checked, when a mobile employee changes a work order status to complete, it will display in the office as completed, but will not be finalized in QuickBooks. This allows your mobile work orders to stay in review status, waiting for someone in the office to review and finalize them to QuickBooks. If unchecked, the mobile work order will automatically finalize and post to QuickBooks when completed from the mobile application. Note: It is recommended to check this box and review all work orders before posting them to QuickBooks.

Display Customer Contact Information: Checking this box will allow your mobile employee the ability to see a customer's contact information from the mobile application.

Workflow Process

These permissions are found under the User tab of the Employee section.

Enable Finalizing Work Orders: Check this box to allow the web employee the ability to finalize and post work orders to QuickBooks.

Ability to Mark a Customer as "Do Not Service":  Check this box and the web employee will be able to create a customer with the flag of Do Not Service.

Allow Override of "Do Not Service": Check this box to allow your web employee the ability to override the Do Not Service flag on a customer.

Allow Deletion of Tags: Chis this box to allow this employee the ability to delete tags from work orders.

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1 comment
  • who has permission to see the Call Que alerts? My dispatchers say they do not have this alert so they do not get cleared in a timely manner.

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