Creating Reminders



Reminders are a great way for FieldEdge to help you keep track of those important tasks that need to get done on a Work Order, Quote, or Invoice. The following article will give an overview of how to create and use Reminders.

Creating a Reminder

Use the following steps to create a Reminder.

1. Navigate to the desired work order and click the Plus symbol of the Reminders section.

2. In the New Reminder window, select the Type of Reminder this should be.

  • Note: Type does not impact the Reminder as it is used as a visual field for context of this reminder.

3. Select a Reminder Date. This will be the date FieldEdge displays a notification of this Reminder.

4. Enter in any Notes that you'd like to use as a reference for this Reminder.

5. Click Save to update this work order and your Reminder.

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