Settings: Layout Templates



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Layout Templates allow you to create and customize certain forms and how they will appear to your Customers. Additionally, you will be able to manage your existing forms through an easy to navigate list with time saving filters.

For example, you might choose to make an Invoice template for your Residential Customers that does not show the prices of your Items. While you might also create an Invoice template for your Commercial Customers that shows a full itemized breakdown of your pricing.

FieldEdge's Layout Templates allow for a great deal of customization that suits the needs of your business.

  • Note: You may have default Layout Templates that will be used when sending a form from the mobile application. However, you can manually select which template to use from FieldEdge web.




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To create, or modify an existing template, follow the steps below. If you are looking for guidance on a particular concept or feature, check the Fields section for more information on the different options you may encounter when working with Layout Templates.

1. In FieldEdge, click on Settings in the top right, then in the Company section choose Layout Templates.

2. From the Layout Template list, choose if you are modifying an existing template or creating a new one.

  • If you are creating a new form, click Add Template in the top right. Next, select the Template Type and then click Create.
  • If you are modifying an existing form, search for and then select the form in the list.

3. Next, in the Layout Designer, use the Sections and Layout Elements to customize your template.

4. When you have finished creating or modifying your template, click Save.


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Add Template

This button, found in the top right of the Layout Template list, enables you to create new templates in your FieldEdge database. Upon selecting the button you will need to specify the type of template you wish to create by designating a Template Type. Below is a list of each template and how they are used.

  • Note: While you may have multiple templates of a certain type, you can only have one default per type.

Invoice and Quote
This template is used when sending both the Invoice and Quote of a Work Order.

This template is used when you are sending a Quote to a Customer.

This template will be used when sending a Invoice to a Customer.

Work Acceptance
This template is for Customers that have been set up as Bill from Office and you do not want a mobile Technician to send billing information.

Work Order
This template is only available on FieldEdge web can be printed or downloaded. For example, you may have a Technician that does not have access to FieldEdge mobile and therefore you may print their Work Orders, each morning, for them.

Agreement Invoice
This template is used, from the office, when you are sending a Customer their Invoice for their Agreement Renewal.

Task Form
This template is used when you want to send a Task template Custom Form.

  • Note: You may only have one Task form created in Layout Templates. If you wish to modify an existing Task template, choose it from the list. If you wish to create a new template you will need to first delete the existing Template.

Equipment Form
This template is used when you want to send a Equipment template Custom Form.

  • Note: You may only have one Equipment form created in Layout Templates. If you wish to modify an existing Equipment template, choose it from the list. If you wish to create a new template you will need to first delete the existing Template.

Part Request
This template is used, from FieldEdge web, to print a Part Request for a Work Order.

Layout Designer

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When designing a Layout Template, you will have the options of adding Sections to the template. Each Section is composed of different elements known as Layout Elements.

Designing a Layout Template is comprised of two components, Sections and Layout Elements.


To place a Section, simply click, drag, and drop the segment from the left side of the screen onto the location where it should be placed. As you drag the selected Section, the template will highlight suitable areas for you to drop the segment.

Layout Elements

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If you click on a Section, the lower left portion of the Layout Designer will reveal various Layout Elements specific to your selection. These options are Section specific and allow you to further customize your template. Generally, you will be able to resize, move, or delete an element after you select one.

  • Note: You can learn more about each element by hovering your mouse cursor over one of the Layout Elements.

Form Settings

Layout Name
This required field is how you will identify your Layout Template.

Select or deselect this checkbox if this template should be available, or not.

  • Note: If the Use as default_Form checkbox is selected, and you are attempting to deselect the Active box, you must first choose a different template, of the same Template Type as the new default template.

Use as default _ Form
Select this box to designate the Layout Template as the default for that Template Type.

  • Note: Each Template Type may only have one template designated as the default. In order to choose a new default template, open the new template that should be the default and choose the Use as default _ Form checkbox. This will automatically remove the checkbox from the previous template.

Upload addendum text pdf
If you have a document, or form, you want to send to your Customers, you can attach it here. FieldEdge will automatically send the attachment when the Layout Template is sent to a Customer.

  • Note: The attachment must be in a .pdf format.

Padding and Margin
These selections, small, medium, or large, allow you to adjust the space between words and elements in the Layout Template. This can be a great option if you want to reduce the length of a document without removing any of the text or elements within the form.

When you are finished creating or modifying your template, click this button to add or update the template.

If you want to leave the Layout Designer without saving any changes, click this button.

You can select this button if you are currently modifying an existing template. This will create a duplicate copy that you can then further modify and save as a new template.

To see what your Template might look like before sending it to a Customer, click this button.

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