Settings: Custom Forms



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With Custom Forms you can create checklists and record important information, associated to your Work Orders. For example, you may create a Custom Form to outline the duties required for a maintenance checklist or an installation startup sheet. Custom Forms may be attached to service being performed by a Technician for a specific Task or for a specific Type of Equipment.

Forms are designed by assigning various Form Elements to your Form Layout. You can think of Form Elements as different options and features available for your Custom Form, and the Form Layout as the body or frame of the Custom Form

A Custom Form is comprised of two sections. The first being the Form Layout which serves as the body of your Custom Form and where you will organize how your form looks. The second component is the Form Elements, which are the various options that can be added to the body of your form.


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To create, or modify an existing Custom Form, follow the steps below. If you are looking for guidance on a particular concept or feature, check the Fields section for more information on the different options you may encounter while working with Custom Forms.

1. In FieldEdge, click Settings, and then in the Company section choose Custom Forms.

2. From the Custom Form list you will be able to choose an existing Custom Form or create a new form.

  • To add a new form, click Add Custom Form in the top right of the screen.
  • To modify an existing form, search and select the form from the list.

3. Next, while in the Add or Edit Custom Form screen, create or adjust your Custom Form using the Form Elements and Form Layout.

4. Once satisfied with the configuration of your Custom Form, click Save to add the Custom Form to FieldEdge.


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Custom Form list

Add Custom Form
This button is found on the Custom Form list and should be selected to initiate the creation of a new form.

Form Details

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This field is required and provides you a way to identify your form.

  • Note: This field has a 60 character limit.

This field allows you to provide a brief explanation of how the form should be used and will be visible on the Custom Form list.

Select this checkbox to mark this form as available for use in FieldEdge. Deselecting this box will prevent this Custom Form from being used in FieldEdge.

Form Trigger

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Form Type
Custom Forms appear for mobile Technicians in two scenarios, known as Form Triggers. The first scenario is triggered when a Technician based on the Task that has been assigned to their Work Order. The second happens they the Technician selects a specific Equipment Type on a Work Order.

Associated With
A form will automatically trigger, on mobile, depending on the selections made here.

For example, you might want to make sure that every time your Technician went out to perform a routine 'Spring Maintenance' that a specific form was attached to the Work Order. To do this you might first select the Form Type: Task Type. This would reveal, in the Associated with section, all of the available Tasks that could be assigned to Work Orders. In this list of Tasks, you would look for and select any Tasks associated to 'Spring Maintenance.' By associating the Custom Form to any of your 'Spring Maintenance' Tasks you ensure that the mobile Technician automatically sees this form when they receive a Work Order with a 'Spring Maintenance' Task.

  • Note: Only one Custom Form may be associated with a specific Task or Equipment Type. You may not see a specific Task or Equipment Type, as an available selection, when creating a Custom Form. This means either the specific Task or Equipment Type has been marked Inactive, or it means that the specific Task or Equipment Type has already been used on a Custom Form.

Form Elements

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Form Elements are different options that help customize the look and feel of each of your Custom Forms. Below is a brief description of the different elements and how they might be used.



This selection of options provide you to customize your Custom Form with different ways of providing information or relaying duties to your Technicians. For example, you might provide a dropdown box that a Technician would need to make a selection from or a checkbox that indicates if a service had been completed.

Text Field
This field may be added to your Custom Form to provide a Technician a place to enter text. For example, you may want a Technician to ask a Customer a specific question and then enter the answer to that question into the Text Field.

Numbers Field
This field may be helpful if you would like to provide a Technician with a place to enter a numerical value. For example, you may want a Technician to enter a Customer's water pressure value, or a temperature gauge's value.

This field will allow you to provide your Technician a way to answer a question based on a series of selections. A technician will only be able to provide one answer. For example, you might want to know the Condition of a piece of Equipment. The Technician would see a few options: New, Good, Poor, or Replace. From the list, they would then choose the appropriate state of the equipment.

This field allows you to provide an action or task that should be performed while on site. For example, if you would like your Technician to perform a 'duct cleaning' while on site for a particular Task, you might add a Checkbox Field to denote when this additional action has been completed.

Multiple Choice
This field is useful if you would like your Technicians to answer a question that may have multiple answers.

Static Text
This field is used to provide a message or information to your Technician. This field may not be edited by a Technician in any way. This field may be used to display 'warranty information' or 'return policies' to Customers.


Headers help make the information on your Custom Form more organized and digestible to the Technician viewing the form. For example, you may dedicate one area of your Custom Form to Agreement up-sell questions, while another area might focus on activities that should be performed.

The Section Header allows you to provide bold case text describing a certain area of the Custom Form that is not editable by a Technician. For example, you might designate one area of your Custom Form as a 'Spring Cleaning' area that would then contain Fields related to the header.

Form Layout

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The Form Layout section of a Custom Form serves as the body of your form. You will drag and drop Form Elements onto the Form Layout. Additionally, when a Form Element has been placed into the Form Layout, you will be able choose if this element should be required or not.

  • Note: If a Form Element has been placed in the Form Layout, and marked as Required, a Technician will not be able to complete the associated Work Order until each Required field has been answered.


Signature Settings

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These options allow you to determine if a Technician and/or Customer should have the ability to sign the Custom Form. The signature will be displayed when sending your Custom Forms.

Technician Signature
Choose if you would like your Technician's Signature captured on this Custom Form.

  • None: If selected, no signature will be available for capture from the Technician.
  • Allow: If selected, a Technician may record their signature for the Custom Form.
  • Required: If selected, the Work Order associated to the Custom Form may not be complete until the Technician captures their signature on the form.

Customer Signature
Choose if you would like your Customer's Signature captured on this Custom Form.

  • None: If selected, no signature will be available for capture from the Customer.
  • Allow: If selected, a Customer may record their signature for the Custom Form.
  • Required: If selected, the Work Order associated to the Custom Form may not be complete until the Customer captures their signature on the form.

Print/Email Settings and Other

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Include with Invoice
If this box is selected, FieldEdge will automatically attach this Custom Form when the Invoice associated to the Work Order has been emailed.

This settings allows you to determine if your Form Layout should be displayed as 2 columns or 3 columns. Additionally you may also click the Preview button to see how the form may look to a Technician.

Select this button if you wish to return to the previous screen without saving your changes.

Select this button once you are satisfied with your Custom Form and ready to add the form to FieldEdge.

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