Settings: Communication Templates



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Communication Templates automate the way you reach out to your customers through a variety of common methods. You can send emails, texts, and phone calls directly to your customers to make them aware of upcoming appointments, monthly service calls, and more. Depending on the type, a template my be triggered automatically, or manually, based on certain actions.

Below is an explanation of each field and a list of each Communication Template, including how and when they will be triggered.

  • Important: In order for a customer to receive a Communication Template they must have the appropriate Primary on Contact option selected. For Example, if you had a customer named John Smith and their Contact on Primary is set to only receive Phone and SMS communications, then they will not receive any of your Email Communication Templates.




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The following steps will help guide you to your Communication Templates. If you are looking for an explanation of a particular feature or option related to your Communication Templates, check the Fields section below.

1. First, in the top right of FieldEdge, click Settings and then in the Company section choose Communication Templates.

2. Next, from the Communication Templates screen, click into the Template drop down and select your communication.

3. Then, navigate through the different fields, creating or modifying your template.

4. When you have finished creating or modifying your Communication Template, in the top right click Save.


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Select the type of Communication Template from the drop down box.

Communication Methods: Email, SMS, and Phone
There are separate methods of communication options available for each template. Choose the tab for which type of communication you wish to configure for a particular Communication Template.

  • Note: While you may set up SMS and Phone communication methods at any time, they will only work if you are in a 'Live' FieldEdge database and have a Call Lead Source with a phone number assigned. Additionally, Email communication requires an email address in the Reply to Address.

If selected, this will enable the Communication Template for use in FieldEdge.

Reply to Address
Enter an email address that will be visible to customers when they receive this template. You are not required to provide a real email address.

For example, if you do not want customers to reply, you might enter

Enter an email address that will be blind carbon copied when this template is sent as an email. This is a great way to receive a copy of a Communication Template sent to a customer.

For example, you might enter your sales manager's email address as the BCC on all Quotes that are emailed to your customers.

Notification Scheduling
This option is only available for the Day Before Work Reminder template. You may select the time of day the email notification should be delivered to your customer. If possible, we recommend later times rather than earlier since this will give you more time to reorganize your schedule should you need. Additionally, this feature assists in ensuring you are not sending a notification to a Customer at an unwanted time of day.

  • Note: The Default selection will be sent at 10:00 AM your local time.

Enter the email's subject line for this template.

For example, you might enter your company name in the subject line, "Your Invoice from ABC123 Company."

Email Body
This section provides you the ability to send a customized email message to your Customer for the specific template. You provide various elements such as pictures, website links, tables, and Insert Codes.

Insert Codes
Insert Codes are snippets of data that automatically generate information specific to your company. This feature allows you to further enhance your Customer's experience with each Communication Template.

For example, if you wanted to make sure all of your Invoice Only Communication Templates included your Customer's name you might add the [customer_displayname] Insert Code to the Email Body. The result would provide each customer with a unique email including their Display Name appearing in the Email Body.

  • Note: The Insert Codes available for each Communication Template may vary. For example, you will notice there are more Insert Codes available for Email than for SMS or Phone. This is due to the complexity allowed in an Email rather than the more simplistic methods of Phone and SMS.

Select this button if you wish to leave this screen without processing any changes to a template.

Choose this button if you wish to update FieldEdge with changes made to a template.

Communication Templates: Types and Triggers

Bellow is a list of the different Communication Templates, their description, and what triggers them to send.

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  • Important Note on Reminder Templates: If a Customer should receive a Communication email on the weekend and you have not configured your FieldEdge to send communications on weekends, then the Customer will receive the template the following Monday. This does not apply to the Day before Work Order Reminders.


1st Work Order Reminder
This template will remind your Customer about their upcoming Agreement visit. FieldEdge will send the following Communication Template 14 days prior to their Next Service Date if the following conditions have been met.

  • Customer has an Agreement.
  • Agreement must have the Appt. confirm checkbox selected.

2nd Work Order Reminder
This template will remind your Customer about their upcoming Agreement visit. FieldEdge will send the following Communication Template 7 days prior to their Next Service Date if the following conditions have been met.

  • Customer has an Agreement.
  • Agreement must have the Appt. confirm checkbox selected.

3rd Work Order Reminder
This template will remind your Customer about their upcoming Agreement visit. FieldEdge will send the following Communication Template the day before their Next Service Date if the following conditions have been met.

  • Customer has an Agreement.
  • Agreement must have the Appt. confirm checkbox selected.

1st Bill Reminder
This template encourages your Customer to renew their Agreement by notifying them about their Agreement's upcoming expiration. FieldEdge will send the following Communication Template 14 days prior to their next Invoice date if the following conditions have been met.

  • Customer has an Agreement.
  • Agreement must be set to Bill from office.

2nd Bill Reminder
This template encourages your Customer to renew their Agreement by notifying them about their Agreement's upcoming expiration. FieldEdge will send the following Communication Template 7 days prior to their next Invoice date if the following conditions have been met.

  • Customer has an Agreement.
  • Agreement must be set to Bill from office.

Agreement Invoice
This template encourages your Customer to renew their Agreement by notifying them about their Agreement's upcoming expiration. FieldEdge will send the following Communication Template if the following conditions have been met.

  • Customer has an Agreement set to Bill from office.
  • FieldEdge web user records the Agreement Invoice has been paid.
  • FieldEdge web user selects the option to email the Agreement Invoice.


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This Communication Template may be sent from the field or from the office and is used to conveniently provide a Customer their Invoice and Quote on a single form.

If sending from mobile, the following conditions must be met.

  • The Customer must not be marked as Bill from office.
  • The Work Order must have an Invoice and a Quote.
  • The Work Order must be complete.

If sending from web, the following conditions must be met.

  • The Work Order must have an Invoice and a Quote.
  • An Employee, in the office, must select the Invoice and Quote Layout Template.

Invoice Only
This Communication Template may be sent from the field or from the office and is used to conveniently provide a Customer their Invoice on a form.

If sending from mobile, the following conditions must be met.

  • The Customer must not be marked as Bill from office.
  • The Work Order must have an Invoice.
  • The Work Order must be complete.

If sending from web, the following conditions must be met.

  • The Work Order must have an Invoice.
  • An Employee, in the office, must select the Invoice Layout Template.

Quote Only
This Communication Template may be sent from the field or from the office and is used to conveniently provide a Customer their Quote on form.

If sending from mobile, the following conditions must be met.

  • The Customer must not be marked as Bill from office.
  • The Work Order must have a Quote.
  • The Work Order must be complete.

If sending from web, the following conditions must be met.

  • The Work Order must have a Quote.
  • An Employee, in the office, must select the Quote Layout Template.

Work Acceptance Only
This Communication Template may be sent from the field or from the office and is used to conveniently provide a Customer a list of Items and work performed. This will not include pricing information from an Invoice or a Quote.

If sending from mobile, the following conditions must be met.

  • The Customer has been marked as Bill from office.
  • The Work Order must have an Invoice or a Quote.
  • The Work Order must be complete.

If sending from web, the following conditions must be met.

  • An Employee, in the office, must select the Work Acceptance Layout Template.


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Payment Declined
This communication is sent to a Customer to inform them that a Payment Method, on file, was attempted for use but declined. This Communication Template will be sent, automatically, if the following conditions have been met.

  • Customer has a recurring Agreement.
  • Customer has a saved Payment Method.
  • The Payment Method has been declined.

Credit Card Expiring
This communication is sent to a Customer to inform them that a Payment Method, on file, is nearing expiration and that they should contact you to update their information. If a Customer's Payment Method will be expired on their Next Invoice Date, then FieldEdge will send this Communication Template 30 days prior to Invoice date. This communication will be sent if the following conditions have been met.

  • Customer has a recurring Agreement.
  • Customer has a saved Payment Method.
  • The Payment Method will be expired on the Next Invoice Date.

Work Orders

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Day Before Work Reminder
The Communication Template is used to remind a Customer of their upcoming, or rescheduled, Work Order. The following communication will be sent within 24 hours of a Work Order's scheduled date and time if the following conditions are met.

  • The Customer's Work Order must be assigned to a Technician.
  • The Work Order takes place within twenty-four hours.
    • You may use the Notification Scheduling feature to further customize the time frame the communication is sent.

Traveling to Location
This Communication Template is designed to inform your Customer that a Technician is on their way to the Work Order's service location. FieldEdge will send this communication, automatically, if the following conditions have been met.

  • The assigned, Primary, Technician has set the Work Order's Status to Traveling on the mobile application.
    • Note: This communication will only be sent the first time the Work Order has been changed to the Status of Traveling.

Feedback Request
While on the completion screen a Technician may choose (on FieldEdge mobile) to request feedback about their recent Work Order visit if the following conditions have been met.

  • In Global Settings you must have selected Enable Feedback Request Checkbox on Mobile.
  • In Global Settings, in the Integrations section, you must have a Reputation Management partner enabled.
  • In your Employee Settings, the Technician must have a ReviewBuzz Employee ID and Buzz Link.

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1 comment
  • Please add the Invoice Creation template to this as well. Nelson has the details.

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