FieldEdge Connector FAQ



This article is intended to help users with frequently asked questions regarding the FieldEdge Connector. Use the information below to help troubleshoot any issues that arise with the FieldEdge Connector. If you have additional questions or concerns, be sure to reach out to our support team.

FieldEdge Connector Closes When I Open It and Will Not Connect

  • If you have recently upgraded your QuickBooks version, you will need to remove any older versions, as they can cause problems with the way our Connector integrates with QuickBooks.
  • If you changed the company file name, location, or company legal name, please contact support so they can assist with updating this information for your Connector.
  • If there have been password changes for the user we integrate with or the admin then this could cause our certificate to need to be redone. Please contact support to assist.

Connector Looks Connected but FieldEdge Shows Otherwise

  • Ensure the computer that contains the Connector does not go to sleep. This can cause issues with the connectivity of the Connector when it wakes back up.
  • If the Connector is installed in more than one place, this can happen as it might be trying to reach the other unconnected Connector.
  • QuickBooks might not be working correctly. You will want to close out the FieldEdge Connector and QuickBooks completely and then reopen them.

Do I Need to Have QuickBooks Open to Use the FieldEdge Connector

  • If it has been configured, you do not need QuickBooks open to use the FieldEdge Connector. The FieldEdge Connector will automatically open QuickBooks in the background invisibly if it is not already open when the Connector is opened. Pausing the Connector will close that instance down so you can open it up normally if necessary. After that you would resume the connection.
    • Note: QuickBooks does need to be installed, set up, and able to access the company file on the computer with the Connector.

How do I Update the FieldEdge Connector

  • You should not need to. The FieldEdge Connector will update itself automatically. If there is ever an update that needs to be done manually, we will reach out about it to do it with you.

Can I Install the FieldEdge Connector in More than One Location

  • FieldEdge is designed to only interact with one Connector at a time. Having multiple Connectors installed can cause issues and potentially double entries in QuickBooks.

What are Some Things That Can Cause Problems with the FieldEdge Connector

  • If there are issues with the QuickBooks application or your company file, it can cause issues with our integration since we are directly interacting with them.
  • The Connector will integrate with whoever is logged into QuickBooks on the computer it is installed. That user must have sufficient permissions and FieldEdge entries will be made under that user.
    • This is why we often advise using a unique account for the Connector.

What Should I See if the Connector is Working


  • Under Status, it should say Connected.
  • Next to Connection: it should say Idle 6.
  • At the bottom left, it should say Syncing Enabled.
    • This is what allows us to receive information from QuickBooks.
    • If it says disabled, you will want to click on the tray icon and click on the word Syncing so that there is a checkmark next to it.

What is a Force Sync

  • Force sync will prompt QuickBooks to push information to FieldEdge if there are things pending that have not gone over. This can speed up the process of having information sync over to FieldEdge from QuickBooks.
  • You can find this by clicking on the tray icon and clicking on the Force Sync option.

Is there Anything My IT Person Nees to Know About the Connector

  • The only thing they might need to know is that if the connector is connected but not showing Idle 6, they may need to open some ports. If the number is lower than 6 or 0 especially, they may need to open ports 6050 and 6090.
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