Creating a Bulk Request


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With the help of member feedback, we've added new functionality to the purchases module in FieldEdge. Members can now see an updated purchases dashboard along with the ability to create a bulk request. A bulk request will allow a member to create a part request without it being associated with a work order, invoice, or quote. This is a great way to create part requests for items that you may need to bulk replenish. The following article will walk you through how to create a bulk request.


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Follow the instructions below to learn how to create a bulk request within FieldEdge.

  • Note: You will still be able to create a part request within a work order as you have previously. Members will want to use the bulk request feature for part requests not associated with a work order.


1. First, navigate to either the Parts Request List, the Items List, the Items Sold Report, or the new Purchases menu.

2. Next, click the three dots located at the top of the page.

3. From the popup window chose the option to Create Bulk Request.

  • Note: You can also create a standard part request or vendor credit from this menu.

4. In the bulk part request window, fill out all the required and optional information that is needed for this bulk request.

  • Note: When filling out a bulk request, the Ship To field will only allow for Company Address or Vendor Pickup because this request is not associated to a customer or their work order. If this is request is for a customer you will need to do a standard part request from the customer's work order.

5. Once the information has been filled out, click the Save button to add this bulk request to your FieldEdge database.

  • Note: Alternatively, you can check the box to Email Vendor Part Request Once Saved. This will bring up the email window, allowing you to email this bulk request to the vendor or any other email address you manually add. This will also save the bulk request to your FieldEdge database.

Once you have saved or emailed the bulk request, it will now show in your FieldEdge database. You can find the request listed in your Parts Request list, found through the new Purchases dashboard. Repeat these steps for any additional bulk requests you may need to create.


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