How to Bulk Edit Items


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There may be times when you need to edit multiple items at once. With FieldEdge you have the ability to edit your items list in bulk. This will allow you to do things like mark multiple items as active/inactive, change the category, change the accounts, or even add recommended items. This article will walk you through the steps to bulk edit your items.



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1. First, select the Items list from the left-side menu.

2. Next, you'll need to search and filter the list to find the multiple items you'd like to edit.

  • Note: You can use the filters to select items in a certain category, type, active/inactive, etc.

3. Select the Checkbox next to each of the items you'd like to edit.

4. Once all the items have been selected, click the Three Dots at the top of the page and choose Bulk Edit Status.

5. A new window will appear. Choose the type of edit that you would like to make and then click Save.

  • Note: Depending on the option you choose for your edit, you may need to select an additional field. For example, when choosing to add a recommended item, you will see a new box to search for the item to add as a recommendation.

Once you have clicked Save a new window may appear showing a summary of the items and what edit was made. Click Ok to complete your edits. Repeat these steps for any additional bulk edits that you may need to create.


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